Continuous Vertical Crystallizers Retro-Fits
M. A Patout & Sons
Patoutville, LA
Honiron provided engineering design to update two (2) existing Continuous Vertical Crystallizers with new and improved cooling elements. The new elements were designed to provide improved exhaustion to lower molasses purity for the customer by improving the massecuite flow through the vessel with increased cooling surface contact area. Honiron’s scope included the removal/demolition of the existing crystallizer vessels, fabrication of the new vessels and elements, and field erection/assembly of the new equipment onto the existing support foundation.
Continuous Vertical Crystallizers Retro-Fits process equipment
Project Scope:
Engineering & design
Demolition and removal of existing asset
Field Services
Project Overview:
- Installed new shell, cooling pipes, and shaft
- New design shaft
- Designed new continuous vertical crystallizers retro-fits
- Assembled and erected new equipment