Category: Industry

Boiler Maintenance Tips for Trouble-free Operation

Boiler breakdowns can be a costly occurrence in terms of both equipment repair and lost production. Regular boiler maintenance is critical to helping prevent such outages and maximizing boiler efficiency. In this blog, we explore some of the key areas that should be checked to ensure continuous, trouble-free boiler operation. Safety Valves – Safety valves Keep reading…

4 Factors that Impact Energy Loss in Boilers

Boiler efficiency is a measure of the total energy input to a boiler vs. its total energy output. In effect, it is an indication of the energy losses encountered during boiler operation through radiation, convection and inefficient combustion. There are a number of factors that contribute to energy loss and boiler inefficiency. Some of these Keep reading…

How Combustion Losses Affect Boiler Efficiency

Boiler efficiency can be calculated a number of different ways. One method is by taking the amount of heat captured and transferred to the water, and dividing by the total generated heat. If not transferred to the water the heat is considered lost and efficiency is reduced. Types of combustion losses include: Blowdown Heat Losses Keep reading…

Fuel Feed System and Boiler Performance

The fuel feed system is a vital performance component of any low-emission boiler. In addition to supplying fuel, a properly designed fuel feed system ensures consistent and reliable combustion by distributing fuel within the boiler. The form and type of fuel also plays an important part in a boiler’s performance and operation. Gaseous fuels, for Keep reading…

An Overview of Boiler Types

Choosing the Right Boiler for Your Operation Choosing the right boiler for an operation will ultimately be dictated by the heating requirements of the application and/or process, as well as project-specific factors, such as emissions, efficiency, location, cost, and access to available fuel sources. In every case, ensuring that the boiler has been expertly designed Keep reading…

Measuring Boiler Efficiency

Boiler efficiency has a direct impact on overall plant economics. It can be measured in terms of the combustion process or by the transfer of heat to the boiler water. Thermal Efficiency Thermal efficiency is a measure of the heat exchange between the combustion process and the water in the boiler. Expressed as a percentage, Keep reading…

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC): A Brief History

The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (or BPVC) is an American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standard relating to the design, fabrication and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels. The Need for Regulation Following the invention of the steam engine in the 18th century, boilers were put to good use in many industries. However, throughout Keep reading…

Considerations for Designing Pig Receivers

Pigging is a maintenance procedure used extensively in the oil and gas industry to clean and inspect pipelines carrying refined and unrefined products. The process is made possible by launchers and receivers. Receivers (or traps) are vessels installed on the pipeline that allow for unloading of pigs without interruption of flow. There are a number Keep reading…

Plasma Cutting: What it is and How it Works

Plasma cutting (or plasma arc cutting) is a commonly used method for cutting through electrically conductive materials (i.e., metals). It emerged in the 1960s and became popular in the 1980s due to its benefits over metal-to-metal and oxy-fuel cutting. By comparison, plasma cutting produces more accurate cuts with cleaner edges and fewer metal chips. Plasma Keep reading…

Sugar Processing Decolorization Using Granular Activated Carbon

Granular activated carbon (GAC) is a commonly used substance for decolorization and impurity removal in sugar processing operations. It can be derived from a variety of organic materials with high levels of naturally occurring carbon, including coal, peat, and/or wood. For sugar operations, GAC is often subjected to a number of physical and chemical processes Keep reading…




Honiron Manufacturing is a global manufacturing solutions provider of industrial process equipment serving the sugar, oil and gas, petrochemical, carbon black, and food processing industries. Combining operational expertise, single-source capabilities and proven processes, we provide innovative, high-value manufacturing solutions that meet our client’s operational challenges - safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

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